Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Terrible and Terrific two's

Yesterday was quite a day for this little one. She and I had quite a few issues. As soon as she woke up, I knew it was going to be a rough day. She hadn't wet in her diaper during the night and I was so proud of her. I tried to get her to go on the potty and she wouldn't. Then halfway through eating her oatmeal for breakfast, she decided she wanted fruit loops. I told her no and she went into complete meltdown. This was her longest tantrum yet and it was bad. She threw the HUGEST fit in her bed for almost an hour. Wow, it was not pretty. She had 3 accidents yesterday one of which was poop and another meltdown right before dinnertime. I was so relieved that she was finally asleep for the night, that I had to take a picture of her. She looks so peaceful and sweet. Yesterday was a test of my patience for sure. I think I passed.


Kellie said...

Oh man...sounds like a blast...not. I think she is trying to apply the word that is on her pillow case in her life.

Annemarie said...

ok, what was it with yesterday? I think she and Lizzie plotted on Sunday to RUIN our Mondays...call me if you want some good stories...so far I can't say that Tuesday is going much better :(

Rachel said...

I love watching my girls sleeping. It reminds me how sweet they CAN be. They just look so darn sweet and innocent.

Uriona Family said...

I am glad to hear that it happens to other moms too! :) I know she had a bad day, but I still can't believe that she is doing so well potty training. Dax doesn't even understand the difference between a fart and a poo. He brings me a diaper to change him everytime he farts.