Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Saturday 5:00 p.m.

Zach was getting over a cold and started complaining that his ear ached. So I put him in his bed, turned on a movie for him (ahem, Nacho). 30 minutes later I come back to find Brooklyn playing with his battery operated train which is very loud, the movie still playing, and Zach sound asleep with a toy sticking out of his mouth. Aren't kids the BEST when they're sleeping so cute.

Terrible and Terrific two's

Yesterday was quite a day for this little one. She and I had quite a few issues. As soon as she woke up, I knew it was going to be a rough day. She hadn't wet in her diaper during the night and I was so proud of her. I tried to get her to go on the potty and she wouldn't. Then halfway through eating her oatmeal for breakfast, she decided she wanted fruit loops. I told her no and she went into complete meltdown. This was her longest tantrum yet and it was bad. She threw the HUGEST fit in her bed for almost an hour. Wow, it was not pretty. She had 3 accidents yesterday one of which was poop and another meltdown right before dinnertime. I was so relieved that she was finally asleep for the night, that I had to take a picture of her. She looks so peaceful and sweet. Yesterday was a test of my patience for sure. I think I passed.

Friday, January 25, 2008

my little movie quoter

Zachary has always had some what of a good memory. He has quoted movies since he was nearly two years old. The first movie that I can remember him quoting was Toy Story 2. He used to watch that movie everyday and he would always quote woody and buzz. As he has grown to his ripe old age of 4, he has moved on to more "mature" movies. ha ha. During the holidays, he loved watching Elf and he would quote that all the time. He has been seriously obsessed with Nacho Libre for several months now. I thought that it was just going to be a quick faze, but it has stuck around. I have to admit, when he pulls them out of the blue it just makes me laugh. He will come up with a quote that I haven't heard him say before and it just gets me laughing. I love it, he is so funny. The best part is, whenever he quotes the movie he does it in his little mexican nacho accent and that makes it even better!
So for any of you who haven't heard his famous little Nacho quotes, don't hesitate to ask, he will be happy to perform for you

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Zach the photographer

" Mom, when can we get my bike out of the shed so I can ride it down to Sam's house?"

Zach recieved a fisherprice digital camera from his grandma and papa for Christmas. He loves it. He is constantly taking pictures of anything and everything. And I mean everything, the t.v., the floor, his foot, the walll,Brooklyn screaming because she doesn't want him taking her picture. The camera is obviously not super high quality, but it does the job for a 4 year old. When he saw me posting pictures on my blog he told me that he wanted me to put some of his pictures on my blog, I told him yeah sure. So this morning we got out his camera to put the pictures on the computer and he had decided to delete every picture that he had taken. I was a little bit sad because he did have some cute ones on there. He picked up the camera a went out on the back porch in his bare feet to take some more for the blog. I have to say they turned out pretty good for his little skills. So here are a few of Zach's photos. Mostly, he is just wishing that the backyard was not filled with snow so that he could be playing outside. He has a MaJOR case of cabin fever. He asked me to take a picture with his camera to post with his others, not his most handsome face, but it's my Zachy.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Two Year old Pictures

This one is cheesey and they did a bunch with the bear and trunks.

I took Brooklyn to get her two year old pictures taken at Target. I was wishing that my ever talented friend Meegan could take them, but being as she lives 3 hours away and I am the most impatient person ever, we had to settle on good old Target. They turned out decent enough. Some of them were ever so cheesey, but I had to post them anyway. She was really cooperative during the whole session, maybe that's why the lady kept wanting to dress her up in other clothes.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Potty Trained!!!...just about

So... Brooklyn is I would say, potty trained. She didn't have any accidents yesterday and she tells me when she has to go and she will even take her pants off, if possible, and sit on the toilet all by her little self! I love it. I am so glad that we are just about done with diapers. There are some downfalls though, last night, she and I were at Target and she kept telling me that she had to go poo. So I kept taking her to the bathroom. Everytime we went she did go pee but no poop. We ended up making 6, yes, 6 trips to the restroom while at Target. That's almost enough to stick a diaper back on that teeny little butt. Also, one time she tried to go pee at home without her potty seat on the toilet and she fell in, she came in my room with her bum and legs and arms all wet. How scary would that be? Now we just have to work on getting rid of her binkey!

Friday, January 18, 2008


So Brooklyn needs help to say her ABC's but I still thougth it was worth posting. Then I try to get her so sing some songs and she starts to lose it. Of course.

This is why I decide to keep them around

So when I am having a crazy day, and my kids are driving me bananas, this will be a little reminder of the cuteness of my kids and why I love them so. Don't get me wrong, there are many more reasons to love them than just their looks, but it does help to look at their sweet little faces and give them a kiss and tell them that I love them.

Monday, January 14, 2008


Look how excited we are to be up on the mountain!!
Tyson doing some sweet carves. heh heheh
Eric and his new woman, Amanda
It was a gorgeous day at Brighton

Tyson looking totally awesome
We went boarding on saturday up to Brighton with Eric and his girlfriend Amanda. It was the perfect day. Sunny for most of the day, lots of untracked powder through the trees and no children!!! Nick and Kellie were so very nice to watch Zach and Brooklyn for 8 hours on saturday so that we could go. It was such a fun day and now I just want to go again!!

Happy Birthday to....wait, not Brooklyn??

Brooklyn is all dressed up and Ready to go to her cousin Hallie's Princess Party!!

Two cute little Cinderellas waiting for the grand ball to start.
Brooklyn oh so sad that it didn't turn out to be a party for herself.
She was finally ok with the fact that she DID recieve a tiara as a party favor.
So, I just have to say, I called it way beforehand. We went to her cousin Hallie's 3rd birthday party last thursday night. I said I think that Brooklyn is going to have a very hard time understanding that all of those presents aren't hers and that Hallie isn't going to want to share her brand new toys. Tyson says "well she will just have to deal with it". Yeah well, needless to say, there was a lot of screaming crying and fighting over the new birthday loot. It was such a cute little party and we are so glad that we got to go, but I could have definitely done without all of the 2 and 3 year old drama!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Panties! and puking

Hooray for Brooklyn's new Elmo panties. We have officially, I guess, started potty training.
Oh I just love her little bum in panties
Zachy being sick all day Saturday :(

Ok, so I'm not sure how well this whole potty training thing is going to work out, but she does love her new Elmo underwear. Tyson and I came home from our date on Friday night to find out that Zach had thrown up. Thankgoodness he didn't make a mess for the babysitter. He was one sick kid during the night, poor little Zach. By 9 a.m. he was done puking and he just layed around the rest of the day. Thankfully no one else got sick.....yet. Brooklyn decided to wear her panties all day on Saturday and only had one accident. Oh wait two and one was poop. Zach was so easy to potty train and she is NOT going to be as easy. She is just so stubborn and wants to sit on the toilet and then gets mad at me when I put her on there. We just spent 10 minutes in the bathroom getting on and off of the toilet, deciding what to do. aagghh! This is my own fault.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Somewhere in the middle of America

Zach and his aunt Courtney getting ready for Christmas Eve
Brooklyn LOVED Ty's grandma, "Gamber". She doesn't even really know her, but she will go right up to her and sit on her lap and just be her little friend. It's very sweet and Gamber loved it.
After Santa had delivered his goods.
Christmas Morning. Look how cute their p.j.s are!!
Of course Brookie went straight for the pez

We had a wonderful Christmas week. We traveled to Omaha to spend Christmas with Ty's family. We left the friday before Christmas. As we started out on I-80 we learned that the roads were closed up ahead in the middle of nowhere in Wyoming. We ended up having to stay in Rawlins Wyoming on Friday night and then continued our journey for most of the day, Saturday. So after road closures, a $250 speeding/carseat violation ticket, we were happy to be in Omaha. We had lots of fun spending time with Tyson's family. 5 of the 6 kids and their spouses were there, minus Clint and Mary and little Jack who had to stay home in warm California. We ate and ate and played games and watched movies and just had a wonderful time. Family is such a blessing and it is so nice to spend the holidays with them.