Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My four year old the Democrat

AOL was up on my laptop and Barack Obama's picture was on AOL today. Zach said "hey that's Barack Obama!" What???? I said, how do you know who that is? He said, "i have seen him on the news. that's who I am voting for." Once again, What?????? I told him he needs to vote for John Mccain, he said is that the girl? I said no, John Mccain just believes in what we do. But Zach's final statement, "well, I am voting for Barack Obama" so I have a mini democrat on my hands.


alison said...

My 9 year old is a democrat. He doesn't want the lady to win because her husband was already the president. Okay...

Annemarie said...


alison said...

the the one who fixed your teeth. The book, you had a picture, beginning and an end.

Rachel said...

Zach totally cracks me up! Dallin doesn't even know who the president is NOW, much less ANY of the candidates! Even though it was the wrong one, at least he knew one!

Kellie said...

Yikes. That is hilarious. I love that he is watching the news at age 4. I only watch it if Nick has it on.

Unknown said...

Right on Zach, only 4 and getting involved with the candidates and thinking outside the box!!! Its going to be Clinton or Obama so I think Zach has chosen wisely. Keep up the good work Senator Bartlett!!

diane said...

At least he doesn't want the girl!!!!

Tasha said...

YIKES!! not a democrat! but i will give him credit for not going with the lady.

Jason said...

i would've kicked him right out of the house. democrats can fend for themselves, and then as he walked away i would've told him that if his parents had been dems, he never would've made it through the first trimester. yeah, how's that for some learnin'!

Megan Bartlett said...

Hahahaha! We're going to have to put a stop to that. We'll have Ben tell him a story about how Republicans are better...don't you worry! ;)