Monday, March 17, 2008

yet another tag for you to enjoy the exciting life of me

i am only supposed to use one word, the first thing that comes to my mind

1.where is your cell phone. nightstand
2.your hair? brown MOM
4.your father? wise
5. your favorite thing. fun
6. your dream last night. none
7. your favorite drink dietcoke
8. your dream car landrover
9. the room you are in. bedroom
10. your fears. money
11. what do you want to be in ten years? estitician (spelling?)
12. who did you hang out with last night. t-bone
13. what are you not good at? organization
14. muffin? chocolate
15. one of your wish list items. our own place
16. where did you grow up. Bountiful
17. last thing you did. cleaned the kitchen
18. what are you wearing. jammies
19. what aren't you wearing. bra
20. your pets. one fish
21. your computer. gateway
22. your life. sweeeeet
23. your mood. lonely
24. missing. being skinnier
25. what are you thinking about right now? bed
26. your car. jeep
27. your summer? TAN
28. your relationship status. married
29. your favorite color. turquiose
30. when was the last time you laughed with meaning. tonight
31. last time you cried. friday
32. school. ricks
33. least favorite weather. now
34. soup fireroasted tomato
35. movie. Dazed and Confused
I tag whomever wants to take the time to answer these. but megan and heidi for sure because you NEVER update your blog.


diane said...

your blog: awesome

Megan Bartlett said...

Hahaha! I totally would update it if I had anything to say! But I will do this for you!!! :)

Rachel said...

ONE fish??? Haven't you gone through about a dozen or so now? Love Dazed and Confused too.